Tools# Note This page is currently under development. Arduino cartridge reader Read the contents of a P2000T SLOT1 cartridge using a simple Arduino Leonardo HAT. Arduino Leonardo Cartridge Reader PICO SST39SF0x0 Programmer Read and write to the Microchip SST39SF010, SST39SF020, and SST39SF040 chips using a cost-effective Raspberry PICO based flasher utility. PICO SST39SF0x0 Programmer PICO SST39SF0x0 Programmer adapter board Read the contents of a P2000T SLOT1 cartridge with the PICO SST39SF0x0 programmer using a simple adapter board. PICO SST39SF0x0 SLOT1 adapter board Contents: Arduino Leonardo Cartridge Reader PICO SST39SF0x0 Programmer PICO SST39SF0x0 SLOT1 adapter board